A complete manuscript package will help expedite your paper through the review and publication process. If so, how close was it? 201451 XXXXX@nature.com Final decision for XXXXX. The broadening and nature of the multiple peaks between 3200 and 3400 cm 1 suggest that it is unlikely to assign a single conformation with a specific NH O=C bonding to this feature . We prefer to work with Adobe Illustrator but can accept Word and PowerPoint files. An RNA architectural locus control region involved in Dscam mutually exclusive splicing. See below for details of digital image production and submission. We request that authors avoid "data not shown" statements and instead include data necessary to evaluate the claims of the paper as Supplementary Information. A Supplementary Note should be used only in consultation with the editors and for specific elements best presented in Supplementary Information, such as stand-alone descriptions related to methods (for example, algorithm description or compound synthesis and characterization). Commercial suppliers of reagents or instrumentation should be identified only when the source is critical to the outcome of the experiments. Internet Explorer). 2017-07-13. Must lactose-free milk be ultra-pasteurized? Based on the Nature Review Speed Feedback System, it takes publisher 14.0 days to publish the accepted manuscript online. Nature Communicationsis read by scientists from diverse backgrounds. References should be numbered sequentially first throughout the text, then in tables, followed by figures and, finally, boxes; that is, references that only appear in tables, figures or boxes should be last in the reference list. Learn more . Authors of submitted manuscripts which include the image Lena will be requested to substitute the image, or justify the scientific necessity for using the image, prior to peer review. //-->